Episode 12: What Can I Get From You Networking
Can we start off by just appreciating how great Zack’s cold open to the episode was? Let’s take a moment. 1… 2… 3…
Okay. Moving on.
Let’s get back to the roots of our show today: talking about hustle culture and working to redefine the toxic mindset that it’s become. Today’s episode is about hustle culture groups and what they often turn into: a marketing ploy rather than a true community.
Instead, toxic hustle culture groups turn into a community focused on a singular mindset: what can I get from you? But what should they be? Networking, in order to be good for the whole group, needs to be a balance of give and take. Repeating that for everyone in the back: a balance of give AND take.
You can hustle. You can work hard – and we support that. However, hustle culture has become an unhealthy fetish on overworking. Take care of your body, mind, and relationships.
Until next time, Hustle on!